My photo
Hi! I'm Amy, the wife of my main squeeze Scott who is an Army National Guard recruiter, a mom of 3 wonderful kids (Ellie 25, Caleb 14, and Isaac, 8), an Amah to 1 year old Lincoln. I am an acrylic paint artist specializing in landscapes and florals. I also have the privilege of teaching art at a small Christian school.

Monday, February 20, 2012

A Few of My Favorite Things

Today I want to show you a few favorite ways that I add small details to my layouts! Here we have "A Few of My Favorite Things".

On this LO I pulled out a few Making Memories (MM), and Stampin Up! (SU!) products that I don't use too often. I frequently like to go through my scrapbooking supplies and search for items that I haven't used in a while! I'll chat about those goodies here in a minute.

One of my not to often used supplies is the twill ribbon you see here. This is a basic neutral colored ribbon that I added a little "zip" to! I chose an ink pad from SU! that coordinated with the colors on my cardstock, and grabbed an SU! stamp that I like (who doesn't like paisley?) and I laid the ribbon on a piece of plain paper (so I don't ink up my desk) and stamped the ribbon. Easy as pie and cute as can be! I then cut the ribbon in strips and taped them on the back of my LO and under the photo. The criss-cross design is pretty fun I think!

As you can see here, I use layers. A lot of layers. And... I use Pop Dots! A LOT of Pop Dots! I can't get enough dimension! Which makes for pretty thick pages and pretty thick pages make for a very thick scrapbook album!

Such a thick album that mine comes no where near to closing... Pretty much all of my albums end up like this once they are considered full... The one problem I have with my desire to have dimensional pages is that the books become somewhat cumbersome to carry... so my cure for that is.... Don't carry it far! My scrapbook album spot is right on the end table next to the couch... Pick it up and sit down! Easy Peasy!

The other item I dug out of the trenches of my scrapbook supply stock pile is an MM distressor. My distressor has a plastic handle surrounding a small blade that is scraped along the edges of the paper to make them rough and gorgeous like this! Sometimes I add a little extra uuumph and ink the edges like I did here. I thought the heart paper clip was perfect for this list of my favorite things:
  • Sun kissed children
  • Spending time together having fun
  • Warm summer days
  • God's perfect nature
  • Spending days off together
  • Watching my children's bond grow in their hearts
  • Photography
  • Getting photos with all 3 kids
  • Finding beauty so close to home
  • The 3 pictured above

I hope you all have a great day and make sure to spend some time scrapping soon! Keep on saving those memories! Oh and don't forget to take some time to make memories too! After all, of you don't make 'em you can't save 'em!

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